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5-Cheese-Lasagna world!

Whether you're a businessman, normal guy/gal, or just someone looking for a good meal try our 5-Cheese-Lasagna. We guarantee you will love it! If you're planning a company lunch, your next party, or just want something different for dinner, try this delicious gourmet lasagna. We look forward to serving you.

New Lasagna Recipe – the cheesiest!


Follow us on Twitter & Like us on Facebook. We are a social world. See posts on Facebook, Twitter and our new blog.

*Try our lasagna. It is homemade. It is my recipe. It has sold on the market in LaGrange, GA and will soon be available on the streets of Memphis, TN. However, you can call us for 2 orders or 50, [for example]. We are taking orders. Back to street idea. Every other corner in Memphis, TN has a BBQ truck of some kind. They are selling BBQ… and some of it is good. If you’ve lived in Memphis for more than 6-months you probably know the good BBQ restaurants. *We love Central & Commissary BBQ. I rank them top two (2). Which one is #1… you pick.

Again, try our 5-Cheese Lasagna. It has 5 cheeses and a killer sauce. —> Cheeses are as follows. [Cheddar, Parmesan, Cream, Ricotta, and Harvarti]. The sauce is wonderful, but it’s the spices I use to make the dish. I use same spices in the milk sauce, that’s used in the lasagna.

We look forward to knowing you.

Contact us 901.347.0327.

Homemade Gourmet Lasagna.

Hungry for lasagna. Oooooh yeah baby. Try our gourmet, [ yes ] homemade lasagna. It has 5 cheeses, fresh spices… all ingredients are fresh and local to Memphis, TN.

Visit our site: 5-Cheese-Lasagna

Call us, and give us a try!

Tel: 901.347.0327

Cooking the Lasagna Pasta

Cooking Time:

Don’t rely on the package to give you the correct cooking time (this is only a guideline). Start timing when the water returns to a boil. Most pastas cook in 8-12 minutes.

Stir at the Beginning:

After you add the pasta to the boiling water, stir with a long wooden spoon (stirring prevents pasta from sticking to each other and from sticking to the bottom and the edge of pan). Frequent stirring with a long wooden spoon or fork while the pasta is cooking will help the pasta to cook

Cook the pasta, uncovered, at a fast boil.

*NOTE: Once you have added your pasta, do not cover the pot with a lid. You can regulate the heat so the pasta/water mixture doesn’t foam up and over the pot sides. Lower it the tiniest bit, and everything should be under control.

Use a Large Pot:

To cook pasta properly, pasta needs a lot of water. A too-small pot and too little water encourages the pasta to clump and stick together, thus cooking unevenly. For a pound (16 ounces) of pasta, you will want a pot that holds at least 5 or 6 quarts of water.

Use plenty of water and use only COLD or COOL Water:

Using plenty of water helps to prevent pasta from sticking together by quickly washing away the exuded starch.
If your water contains any impurities, it will taint the finished flavor of the pasta. Filter your home water if possible.

Fill that big pot 3/4 full of COLD water or use at least one quart of cold water for every four ounces of dry pasta. Four quarts is a bare minimum per 12-ounce package of pasta,  six to eight quarts is ideal.

Gourmet Lasagna >>

Hungry for homemade gourmet Lasagna!

Whether you’re a businessman, normal guy/gal, or just someone looking for a good meal try our 5-Cheese-Lasagna. We guarantee you will love it!

If you’re planning a company lunch, your next party, or just want something different for dinner, try this delicious gourmet lasagna. We’re starting single orders or up to 50 at a time. We look forward to serving you.


This was launch date for our new website. Planning stages were early January and February. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter!

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